Tips and Tricks Tuesday- Good ideas for a new year!

Hello again!  It's a new year and we all LOVE new beginnings, don't we?  A fresh start, a new outlook, and a vision for this next year is in fact just what's called for now.  Goodbye to the old and hello new.  So did you read my New Year's post about being SMART this year?  What kinds of goals did you set?  My biggest goal this year is to be "intentional."  I want to be intentional with all things in our home and family life- intentionally save, intentionally organize, intentionally smile when I see my kids, intentionally love on Mr. Lewisville.  You get the picture.

*If you're new here, welcome to Lewisville!  Today is Tips and Tricks Tuesday! It's a good day to visit here.  I like finding simple solutions to everyday living and sharing some of my favorite tips with you all!  You can find most of these tips on my  Pinterest Tips and Tricks board, where I'd also love to have you follow along.  There's always facebook and twitter too.  If you want to pin these tips on your own board, just click {source} below each picture.  It will take you to the original source of the tip, and it's always best to pin from the original source.

Today for our Tips and Tricks, I thought we'd take a look at a few good ideas we can do throughout the year.  Enjoy!

You know all those picture Christmas cards that are so popular now?  I feel terrible for throwing them away after Christmas.  Here's a good idea though;  take a picture of those cards and set them as the contact picture when they call.

I LOVE this idea.  I bet most of us did our Christmas shopping at 3-4 stores.  Buy gift cards for those stores or mall gift cards, or even generic Visa giftcards.  When it's time to shop for Christmas, use them instead of your credit or debit cards.  Very smart in light of what happened with Target this last Christmas.  How many of us jumped on our bank sites to make sure our money was still there? 

I have never seen this before, but I just think it's brilliant.  I think it's  perfect for things like vacation spending money, Christmas money, or just plain savings.  We can all do this one. 

Hope you found these tips and tricks helpful!

