Tips and Tricks Tuesday-Father's Day Ideas

Hello again, friends.  The kids are officially out of school, and this home school mama is officially on summer break!  Feels good.  Feels really good.  We're ready to play in the sun, swim in the pool, and eat entirely too much ice cream!  Let it begin.

Today's tips are all about quick and easy Father's Day gifts you and your  kids can put together.  I know taking dad out to eat and maybe catching a movie is the popular thing to do these days, but I love the surprise element of giving him a gift made by his favorite people. You're going to love these ideas!

* If you're new here, welcome to Lewisville!  Today is Tips and Tricks Tuesday! It's a good day to visit here.  I like finding simple solutions to everyday living and sharing some of my favorite tips with you all!  You can find most of these tips on my  Pinterest Tips and Tricks board, where I'd also love to have you follow along.  There's always facebook and twitter too.  If you want to pin these tips on your own board, just click {source} below each picture.  It will take you to the original source of the tip, and it's always best to pin from the original source.

If Dad likes candy, think about some of these great ideas.


 For jelly bean loving dads, make your own "bean code". This is for all those "beans, beans, the musical fruit" singing dads.   


 I think this is such a fun idea.  Make a card using candy bars to form a message.  Mr. Lewisville doesn't eat candy and the kids and I were thinking of ways to form a message using words like quinoa, brown rice, and couscous.  Needless to say, we didn't come up with much, but we enjoyed trying.
 This is more like it for our guy.

Or maybe he would like to sit and relax with his favorite soda.  (I'm a California girl and pop is called soda from where I'm from.)

 Cute root beer idea.  I see root beer floats being made all day.


 Give dad his own "stache" for the day.  Love the sign.

Put together a basket filled will all things "pop" for the best Pop around.

And to finish it off, the kids would love to say a few words about their dad.  This would make a great keepsake for dad.


Hope you all enjoy loving on the dads in your life.



  1. Lots of such great ideas, awesome gal. You're a real crafter, the kids will have such a good time making things. I miss all that when kids and I would make things. Why do they have to grow up? Happy days


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