Tips and Tricks Tuesday

Hello, friends!  I must apologize for the late T&TT post today.  We were celebrating a spelling bee V-I-C-T-O-R-Y.  Way to go to munchkin number 2!  She  won on the word "siege".  Proud mama moment, for all of us rooting on our kids. 

Today is Tips and Tricks Tuesday, and since it's spring I thought we should get down to business and talk about Spring cleaning.  The blogs are full of spring cleaning challenges, but as I've said before, cleaning in any season can be a challenge (for me) .  There are list and schedules and tips you can follow for your spring cleaning.  I think those are all great and look at; but let's be honest, the best list is the one you write for yourself because you know you'll keep it.  Trying to follow a list that some one else writes for you might work for a few weeks, in my case days, but ultimately we stop because we may not care to clean the base boards every week.  It's on the cleaning  LIST though, so we keep doing it until we think to ourselves these base board don't need cleaning;  I'll just skip it this week.  So we skip it that week, and the next, and the next, until we've ditched the entire list altogether?  Sound familiar or am I the only one?

The thing about schedules and  list  is that they assume everyone thinks and works the same.  We're all unique and our cleaning is just as unique.  I know women who clean their whole house in one day, on the same day every week.  That's how they roll.  I know other women who clean the kitchen on Mondays, the bathrooms on Tuesdays, and the other rooms on each of the other days of the week.  And that's how they roll.  Others clean for 15 minutes straight everyday, then they're done, and what's clean is clean and what's not can wait until tomorrow.  Rolling on.

They're all great methods because that's what works for them and their schedule.  My "cleaning routine" is constantly changing because my life is constantly changing.  But in my own home, I have areas that I like to have clean every day, then there are areas that I clean just once a week and other areas get cleaned once a month.  And, yes, there are areas I don't think about cleaning until I see them one day and gasp in horror at how I've neglected cleaning it.  Oops.  I'm not a cleaning blog, nor will I ever be, but I like looking at how other people clean.  That may be strange to some but when I see some thing that may work for us in Lewisville, I give it a try.

For us, the kids have their chores, which helps me tremendously!  For Spring Cleaning, I consider all the "deep" cleaning areas that don't get touched on my regular routine.  So I look at other peoples list and see what things I might need to consider cleaning in my own home.  And that leads me to today's Tips and Tricks Tuesday...finally.  These lists (and many more) can be found on my Pinterest Cleaning board.  Take a look at them and see what you can glean for your own home. 





Ironically, even though I'm not a cleaning blog, some of my most popular post are all about cleaning.  You can read about those on my cleaning page.   Happy Spring cleaning, everyone!



  1. Bless you all who clean. Usually I guess, Gramas keep their houses clean all the time. Uh, not this one. Our house is pretty much clean but too much of the time pretty much messy with one project or another I'm working on.
    I kept my house clean with 4 kids at home but now I don't seem to care as much. There's no real schedule for anything except for changing the bed/washing sheets on Monday and Friday/Saturday/Sunday is laundry depending on what I'm doing on those days.
    You can bet in the summer if somebody says lets' go to Highline (the state park 7 miles from our house with a lake) nothing will get done except for packing up the lake stuff and some food. My priorities have definitely changed.
    When my kids were young my Mother had me brain washed that you don't go anywhere til your house is clean and the laundry done, and oh, the ironing done too. No more my pretties. What was I thinking? EEEEEEEkkkkk How can your house be clean with 4 kids, hubs and dog/cat running in and out? And that doesn't count the neighbor kids.
    Do I feel bad if I'm caught with a messy house, kinda but anybody that knows me knows I'm always in middle of making a project. They'd probably faint if they came over and everything is just so. When that might have happened I have no idea.
    My hubs kinda likes everything to be casual and a perfect house makes him sorta nervous. Excuses excuses, oh well sue me. I'm trying to enjoy my retirement. Happy Days

  2. Thanks so much for hosting this party.spring cleaning - can't remember the last time I did this - probably when I was young and did't know better. I have to agree with the previous comment - there are more important things in life. My sister is a clean freak, but she never seems to have time for anything else. I don't want to be remembered as the person who had a clean house. I love my home to be clean - don't get me wrong, but I am not a slave to it anymore.
    These days I am having too much fun in retirement.
    I am your newest GFC and G+
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    @ Eclectic Red Barn


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