Cleaining up Christmas

Hi there, Everyone!  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!  We were incredibly blessed.  Just having our kids with their big smiles, having family visit, and enjoying time in the snow reminds me how immeasurable these moments are together.  Every Christmas morning, the kids wake us up, the only day of the year that they do by the way, the coffee gets started, the fireplace is on, and my husband reads the account of the first Christmas through the book of Luke.  Come, Let us adore Him indeed.  It's our tradition, and this year was no exception.
Our kids and their cousins listening about the birth of Christ.
I hope you all had a joyful Christmas too.  This year was very low key for us.  We got our Christmas tree late and for some reason I just didn't ever get into the Christmas decorating like I usually do.  I shopped for gifts late which I promised myself I will never do again-ever, and I was wrapping gifts on Christmas Eve.  I didn't make a turkey or ham either.  I really wanted my family's tamales which I miss, but I settled on a pot roast instead.  I know. Weird.  I planned on making a prime rib but got to the store to late to pick one up.  The kids loved their gifts though, and I was so blessed by what my husband got for me.  I'll show you that later.  Now, I'm ready to get everything cleaned up, and I realized we can all use some ideas on organizing and cleaning our Christmas "STUFF".  I usually put everything away on New Years Day.  Do you have a usual day to put it all back?

I managed to set up my nativity and a few Christmas cards!
Here are a few ideas I've implemented here in Lewisville to make my Christmas cleaning up go a little smoother.  Hope you find something you can use!

Becky from Organizing Made Fun is one of my favorite bloggers.  She has some great ideas and I've implemented so many of them here in Lewisville.  Here, she suggest taking a picture of your Christmas boxes so you know how to put it all back.
 Lights, lights, and more lights.  I keep my boxes but can never fit them back in the way they came.  You can wrap them around cardboard, like the empty Christmas wrapping paper tube, and mark on the cardboard where you used them- outside, tree, mantel, etc. 
 I've never done this but I need to this year.  Small ornaments fit in egg cartons.  What???? Why didn't I think of this!
 This idea, I do.  I used to buy my apples at Costco.  The apple packages are perfect for storing ornaments in throughout the year.
 Oh, gift wrapping!  I ran out this year and went to the after Christmas sales to stock up on next year's Christmas.  I love these ideas for everyday gift wrap and holiday storing.  The first picture is an Ikea plastic bag holder.  They're sturdy enough to hold wrapping paper on their own.
 This is a cute idea for an every day wrapping station.  Turn a hamper into a wrapping station.
Another quick and easy solution is to use a clear garment bag to store all your rolls of wrapping paper.
Ahhh, to be so organized!  I  put all my Christmas decor in bins like this, but they don't necessarily match....or have labels so neat like.  Right now, there are so many sales going on and these bins will be on sale for the next week or so.  Grab them and get organized.  They're on my list!
Did you get a lot of picture Christmas cards?  You can hole punch them, binds them, and use them as coasters throughout the year.
And yes,  it's never to late to get started on saving for next year. 
Oh Christmas!  How we love to enjoy the season, but the clean up is always a work I never look forward to doing.   I do look forward to the new year though.  We have a little tradition of making sea food on New Year's Eve, (lobster tails and/or crab) playing board games, and baking creme puffs!  Yum, yum!  We rarely make it to midnight, which is strange because any other night we can stay up without any problems.

Yup, these are my home made creme puffs!
I hope you all have a wonderful New Year.  I'll be back later this week with some chairs I've been working on and I think my re-organized pantry will be ready for a reveal.  In this next year, my goal is to get more rooms organized and decorated.  Hope you'll all come along for the journey!

Blessings and Happy New Year!
