Gluten Free Friday

It's Friday!

     Today, we're starting our new Gluten Free Friday series!  WOOHOO!  Our family has been EDUCATED on eating gluten free.  At first, let's be honest, gluten free foods were super awful for me.  Then I realized, packaged gluten free foods -just like all packaged foods in general- are just gross in their own little GMO, sodium and preservative filled world.  All this to say, we learned to eat naturally, make everything (mostly) from scratch and find many unique substitutes for our old favorites.  Two of us in the family get really sick when gluten enters the body, so we're really careful to keep them protected at all cost.  We have two toasters, a separate set of skillets that are GF only and enough quinoa, millet and brown rice to complete every side dish experiment.

     So why the big change? After months of painful stomach aches and doctors' appointments, we got the celiacs diagnosis.  We were thankful it wasn't more serious, but we're learning to live with celiacs and on occasion, the change to our lifestyle has been challenging.  We're doing it though, and we're finding more and more awesome foods to try in the experience. Thankfully, we also live in an area that is very health conscience and GF friendly. Yeah for over the top, healthy people!

     So lets start with a recipe that is a Lewisville favorite- Taco Tuesday. Yup, just about every single Tuesday we eat tacos. Our standard is seasoned ground turkey meat on corn tortillas, topped with cilantro, tomatoes and lots of avocado slices. The celiacs patients can't have dairy either, which is very common for those who suffer from this, so they eat our favorite without sour creme and (extra) cheese. The rest of us like all the above.

      Today's recipe brings a different spin on traditional tacos. Your family will love our version of taco slaw.

Here's what you'll need:
half a head of cabbage
1 carrot
1/2 cup cilantro
1/4 of an onion (red is best but I only had white)
1/4 - 1/2 cup olive or grape seed oil
salt, pepper, paprika to taste
2 garlic cloves
1 lemon or 3 limes juiced

Shred the cabbage

Peel then grate the carrot

Add cilantro

 Grate your onion (this is so much easier than chopping it.)

 In a separate bowl, mix the oil, seasonings and lemon juice. 
 Add the oil mixture to the slaw and let it marinate in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.  Longer is better though.

Top your tacos with the slaw and enjoy.  Traditionally, a slaw goes on top of white fish tacos, but fish tacos aren't to popular here.

Our entire plate is gluten and dairy free. The pinto beans are also home made as is the Spanish rice. 

Enjoy and Blessings,
