Tips and Tricks Tuesday- Garden

oops- I forgot to hit publish yesterday.  Sorry this is coming out late :(
Hi there everyone!  Once again it's snowing here in Colorado, but there is hope for a beautiful weekend!  The weather is "supposed" to climb to a warm 70 degrees!  That's painting weather, friends and I have just the piece that requires my attention.  Thankfully the weekends here have been warm so we've been getting out and enjoying some family time.  It's just these pesky snowy weekdays that are driving me a little crazy.
If you're new here, welcome to Tips and Tricks Tuesday.   I like finding simple solutions to everyday living and sharing some of my favorite tips with you all- thus the name- Tips and Tricks Tuesday!  You can find most of tips on my  Pinterest Tips and Tricks board, but today we're going to talk about gardening tips.  Since it's spring (technically) we might as well get ready for some outdoor gardening ideas.  I'm ready! Sooo ready!

Tip 1.  I love "home made" everything!  If I can make it, especially when it comes to cleansers, I choose and prefer non-toxic, non-chemical solutions. They're not only cheaper, but they usually work just as well, if not better, than the store bought items. I tried this weed killer method last year and it worked great!  Mix 1/2 cup salt, a gallon of white vinegar, and a drop of dish soap.  Put it in a spray bottle and take care of business.

 Tip 2.  I haven't tried this one but I'm quite eager to get my lawn green (once the snow melts).  I've read all over that 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt with a gallon of water does wonders for a lush lawn.  The salt is loaded with magnesium, which our lawns love.

Tip 3.  Daughter number 2 really, really wants to plant a garden this year.  We have plenty of room for a garden, but we have never been successful when it comes to keeping plants and flowers alive.  We've bought the seeds though and have been reading, so we're going to go for it.  I'll keep you updated.  This little chart has been helpful.

Tip 4.  It's the little tips that really help me out.  Gardening 101 here.

Tip 5.  I'm thinking about planting a container garden.  I figure we can start small and if successful, move on to the ground.

Tip 6.  Once your veggie garden is planted, you can make cute little rock signs for everything you plant.  My kids are going to love this little project.
 Tip 7.  Great tip for potted plants and flowers. Just lay a coffee filter in the bottom of the pot covering the hole before filling the pot. The soil will stay in the pot and the water will still drain out. Genius!
 Tip 8.  And while you're at it, you can paint those pots to add some flair! 

Here are my own painted flower boxes from last year.  Look, no snow!

So are you ready to get your gardening tools out? Warm weather, iced coffee, no school!  Yes, yes, and yes!



  1. The first thing that you need to do when building your veggie garden is to consider where it will go. You will need an area that gets lots of sun and does not have to compete with the root systems of large trees and shrubs for nutrients. Remember that it is a good idea to only make your garden twice as wide as the length of your arm so that you can easily reach everything that it contains.

  2. Awesome article.

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  3. Definitely start with containers! I've done tomatoes and lettuce on my north facing deck and they turned out great! Just be sure to keep them watered because they will dry out faster in containers than in the ground. Also, tomatoes attract aphids so be prepared to take care of the little buggers. You can actually buy lady bugs online and they will pig out on the aphids (which I haven't done, but it sounds like fun to watch). Insecticidal soap works too. :) Good Luck!

  4. Thanks for all the gardening tips! I just love getting my hands dirty. I've heard the same thing about Epsom salt, also that it's good for your veggies as a fertilizer. I have a bag but haven't done it yet.... I also wanted you to know that I've nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award! You can check it out here: Have a wonderful day!

  5. Helpful tips and tricks on gardening. And that chart is indeed helpful. Aside from that, tip 7 is a smart idea for those who have potted plants and flowers at home.


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