Oh boy. It seems like just a week ago we were still waiting for spring. We've had snow and cold, rainy days even though it's the month of May. These last few days, however, the sun has been shining and we are warming up quite nicely. In fact, I'd say we are even hot! Shorts and sandals are a part of our new wardrobe, and we've finally put the snow boots and and gloves away. I love the change of seasons!
* If you're new here, welcome to Lewisville! Today is Tips and Tricks
Tuesday! It's a good day to visit here. I like finding simple
solutions to everyday living and sharing some of
my favorite tips with you all!
You can find most of these tips on my
Pinterest Tips and Tricks board, where I'd also love to have you follow along. There's always
facebook and
too. If you want to pin these tips on your own board, just click
{source} below each picture. It will take you to the original source of
the tip, and it's always best to pin from the original source.
Tip 1. Do love simple organizing solutions? Here's one that requires you to think outside the box! Use a toothpick dispenser to hold/ display your q-tips. Nice idea.
Tip 2. Another great organizing idea for under the sink. Hang wire baskets with command hooks. This is so much cheaper than buying those specially made baskets in the kitchen organizing section. I feel a visit to the dollar store coming on soon.
Tip 3. Ok, we don't have high chairs anymore in Lewisville, but this is such a cute and simple idea I just had to share with you all. Again, use a big command hook for the back of the chair. They're perfect for holding baby's bibs!
Source Unknown |
Tip 4. This is adorable! Have little girl, must do! Hang your curtains by tying them up with silky ribbon onto shower curtain rings. Imagine the possibilities and adding your own designs and flair. Again, LOVE this idea.
Source Unknown |
Tip 5. For more window treatment flair, here's a easy and quick way to add COLOR! Just spray paint your curtain rods. Color isn't just for curtains any more!
Have a great day, Everyone!
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