Tips and Tricks Tuesday #4

It's that time again!  Tuesday means Tips and Tricks for the home; those little bits of information that we never knew about or things we really didn't think about until now.

I'm enjoying these Tuesdays.  It gives me a chance to share some of the ideas from Lewisville and some of those amazing tips from Pinterest.  I've even made a new sign to commemorate our Tuesdays together.

Do you like? I LOVE it!  I made it on picmonkey! In fact, that's my first tip....

Tip 1.  Use Picmonkey to edit photos, make signs (buttons) like above, and add some cool effects to your pictures all for FREE.  I've used several other free sites but I always end up going back to picmonkey.  It's really easy, and I need easy when it comes to technical stuff.  Here is an example of what you can do:

 Original Pic

 Crop. Auto adjust. Added Museum Matte Frame. Added Text.

Tip 2.  Open up tough plastic packages with a can opener.  I always use kitchen scissors which never really work well.  This is brilliant!

Tip 3.  Need help organizing the little things in your desk? Think outside the box and use what you have around.  Look what this mint user did.  Organized and good breathe....nice!

Tip 4.  Wipe your chrome finish with wax paper to keep the water spots away. 

Tip 5.  Are you a Starbucks abuser drinker? I confess, me too.  I don't buy the store bottles, but if you do, this is a great way to reuse those bottles (or any bottle/jar).  Store spices and mark the sides with the names.  This DIYer etched her jars.  Very nice.  I think I would be tempted to paint the tops too.

So there you have it.  A few more tips to think about.  I'll be starting a series of cleaning tips next week.  I realized most of my cleaning products are home made, and we've been using these recipes for years.  I'll be sharing just one product at a time (with the recipe) so as not to overwhelm you.  Have a great week everyone!



  1. I like using befunky for my photo's. But I will have to check out PicMonkey. I just really started using photo shop style websites and am finding them very helpful in making the photo's for my blog look more professional.

  2. Some great tips! I'd love to have you link this up to Titus 2 Tuesday next week on Cornerstone Confessions.

    Hopping over from Women Living Well.



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